As soon as I pressed the button, walked backwards and pressed the switch before the box closed

Shoot all the targets and put the gun down "Ok.I THINK I did it in a glitchless way and even then, Im not sure if thats what the devs had in mind:

So, as of RIGHT NOW, the CLOSEST POSSIBLE legitimate method appears to be a method I'm giving full credit to o0Champ0o for giving us.

Seriously please tell me someone has input. MAYBE after switching the switch, you can SHOOT THROUGH THESE particular fence bars and hit the key, knocking it off of its ring, and then you can reset the room? I can't possibly think of anything else. Is THIS how it's *actually* supposed to be done? I tried jamming the doors with objects to see if the fences wouldn't come all the way down and that didn't work. The ONLY possible legit scenario I saw was, someone did this, got stuck in the room - and then LET THE NEIGHBOR CATCH THEM THROUGH THE BARS. You can flip the switch and unlock the key, but if you press the red button by the back door to open everything back up, it undoes the switch attached to the key. The ONLY candidate I witnessed was when I actually saw someone - they shot all the targets in the room, which obviously causes the box to open so they could pull the lever, but all the cages come down around the WHOLE ROOM. SO HOW IS IT *SUPPOSED* TO BE DONE? I can not find a SINGLE person who has done it ANY kind of "legit" way. The game is NOT meant to use its glitches to get something done - stacking boxes up somewhere is one thing, jumping on side pipes and climbing them, etc etc, but THROWING ITEMS THROUGH A CAGE is NOT the way it's supposed to be done. I'm seeing EVERYWHERE that people are just using cheaty/glitchy ways to get the red key. EDIT: So, for starters, PLEASE NOTE that GETTING THE GUN TO THE "NO GUN" ROOM IS ALREADY SOLVED, THAT IS *NOT* WHAT IS BEING DISCUSSED IN THIS THREAD.