Getting the Dinobots into multiplayer was just as much of a challenge as bringing them into the original game, Tieger said. "I came in on Monday morning and there was a tyrannosaurus-rex running around in multiplayer." High Moon's plans to release more Transformers that are essentially a collection of parts for the character builder, granting players access to their individual parts once they have purchased them. "We want to give players the power to express themselves in terms of what they think transformers should be, not just how we've made them," Tieger said. The pack includes tyrannosaurus-rex Grimlock, triceratops Slug, stegosaurus Snarl, and pteranodon Swoop. The "Dinobot Destructor Pack" adds the Dinobots for use in the character builder for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. High Moon Studios is adding the Dinobots to Transformers: Fall of Cybertron's competitive multiplayer mode on September 11th as downloadable content, director Matt Tieger told Polygon.

"Transformers: Fall of Cybertron" is bringing the Dinobots to competitive multiplayer on September 11th.